I had to laugh at Gay Gordo's assertion that the high cost of petrol was all due to rising global prices and therefore he can't do anything.
The one-eyed psycologically flawed jock stated "The cause of rising prices is clear: growing demand and too little supply". This is probably true, although George Soros' assertion that speculation is driving prices is very interesting & we do appear to be approaching something like a bubble.
It doesn't really matter whether it is supply, demand or speculation. Gay Gordo is living in fantasy land if he thinks he can buck the market & force opec or anyone else to change track. It is just a PR stunt - look at me I'm doing something - honest.
In reality the only way Brown can impact fuel prices is by lowering fuel tax which is 20% higher than in 2000. This would of course in itself be a welcome move.
However, first the 10p tax debacle and now U-turns on fuel tax. You can hear the trade unions and the loony Left licking their lips. A wounded, floundering, flip-flopping government who will bend to pressure. Anyone for a new Winter of Discontent????
New Labour really is dead.
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