As the dust settles on the Irish 'No' vote in last week's referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon it is becoming increasingly clear that the EU will try and force the issue in the coming months.
Whether this is by ignoring Ireland & carrying on with the Treaty or other means, I see no potential for the EU to reign itself in. More likely Ireland will be offered the chance to 'reflect' and then either asked to vote again (the 'correct' way) or will be presented with a tweaked treaty - i.e. much the same but the spin will be different.
You couldn't make it up. Marxists used to bang on about 'false consciousness' preventing revolution. Now the EU is saying a similar thing to Ireland - the Irish are misguided, have false consciousness & should now be led by other means to the Euro-Nirvana federal state.
The elites won't put the EU to a referendum unless they are forced to as they know the outcome in most countries would be No to a federal super-state.
Does Cameron have the cojones to open this box of worms if/when he is PM after the next election - maybe, watch this space and cross your fingers if you are a democrat & exponent of the nation-state.
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