Tory Blur, or plain old Bliar, as I like to call him has gone and got it wrong again. Tonight he is going to make a speech at Westminster Cathedral on his Faith Foundation. The old Bush cock slurper is going to say that 'failure to engage with religious groups will drive believers to apathy or fundamentalism'.
Utter bollocks.
Mr Rover is no fan of organised religion despite his parents best efforts to have him indoctrinated (shurely shome mishtake... don't you mean educated) in the christian tradition. Mr Rover reserves particular wrath for the Catholic church (don't use a condom even if not doing so means you might get HIV all you Africans who are dying in your millions from AIDS , just abstain - FFS), but he also can't stand puritanical Prods and defo not nutter Islamists.
Look at all the suffering in terms of war, conflict, abuse of women, abuse of non-believers, persecution of alternative lifestyles all done in the name of religion.
Bliar has form on talking to the religo-nutters. Not only was he taking a length from 'born again' Bush, but his government funded (and they continue to fund) various dubious Muslim groups such as the 'moderate' (don't make me laugh) Muslim Council of Britain.
He also thought nothing of chatting away to the IRA/Sinn Fein/Loyalist leaderships in Northern Ireland like they were old buddies & then releasing all the odious little murdering shites from prison.
The man was a disaster in sooooo many ways, and he still remains a grade one prick.
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