Alistair Darling is deluded. He says that the UK economy gives him "grounds for optimism". I nearly choked on my 11am chocolate biscuit when I read that.
We have the highest debt levels across Western Europe. Gay Gordo & now Darling have used the boom years to flush billions of pounds down the drain. Most sensible people would say that in the good times, pay off debt & create a surplus to see you through the bad times, then invest.
This lot of cretins have spent like money was going out of fashion. We now have huge national & personal debt & a huge deficit. If the USA looks shaky in the current climate, then the UK outlook must be very poor indeed.
What do we have to show for 10 years of huge investment in public services? Not much. The NHS admits that most of the extra cash they have had has gone to fund pay rises for Doctors & Nurses. Schools continue to decline with grade inflation and horrendous pupil behaviour. Local councils are struggling under the burden of gold plated public service pension liabilities.
The sound of chickens coming home to roost gets louder.
And FFS what are going on with Darling's eyebrows????
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