Politics, news, gossip, football, Blackburn Rovers, and views from a northern politico plying his trade in the big smoke
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Oil prices & delusional Brown

Friday, 23 May 2008
Crewe goes blue - amazing result

Last night's Tory victory in Crewe and Nantwich was amazing - 26yrs since the last Tory by-election victory & with a 17% swing!!
That would leave a Conservative majority after the next election of over 300!!! Everyone seems very quick to write off Labour & say that Gay Gordo is a dead duck. Maybe. I truly hope so.
But - Thatcher got slaughtered in by-elections & then stormed to victory in '83 after the Falklands ('"events dear boy, events"). Major routinely got battered in by-elections but scrapped a win in '92.
The best thing that can happen is that Brown hangs on to the Labour leadership & stays PM. He then goes down to an almighty defeat at the next general election. The Labour movement will then lurch to the left under some barmy Michael Foot/IDS style disaster & stay out of government for at least a decade.
Hopefully cue Cameron reeking creative destruction on the bloated debt laden state & public sector.
If I were Cameron I'd be courting the New Labourite MPs. They have very little in common with the Labour Left. Splitting the Labour party & having MPs cross the floor would be the best way to ensure the Conservatives dominate 21st Century politics as the party did for the 20th.
We just need a big issue to get them to walk after the next GE - think the Liberal Unionists of the 1880s.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
John Terry crying like a baby

Wednesday, 21 May 2008
No need for Dad anymore

What an utter bunch of pc leftie bollocks - MPs have voted down an amendment that aimed to ensure the continued consideration in IVF treatment of the need for a father and a mother.
Now we are left with the suitably vague focus on 'supportive parenting' - i.e. a bunch of lesbos and man-hating singletons having IVF without the need for a father figure.
It seems that there is a complete lack of joined up government (again!). The lack of father-figures is cited by many researchers and supported by anecdotal evidence as key to the cause of feral youths & crime in some of the UK's most deprived areas.
The home affairs select committee reported in 2007 that in the absence of a positive male role models many young black men chose to emulate negative and violent lifestyles - the report was supported by the CRE.
But this is a problem for all sections of society. While I disagree with the now popular but excessive notion that Britain has a 'broken society' I'm pretty certain that society is at least very dysfunctional.
Weakening family bonds & removing the hugely positive impact of male role models can only serve to weaken society further & give further credence to the 'broken society' argument
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Tugay Kerimoglu - is a legend

Monday, 19 May 2008
Sick note Britain

Friday, 16 May 2008
Taxpayer to take £90bn of risky bank assets

The other Blair gets it wrong..... again

Friday, 9 May 2008
The Rovers for Europe

With the exception of David Moyes at Everton, Mark Hughes is easily the best manager outside the top 4. When you include financial clout, he is the best & the Rovers punch above their weight - consistently.
Come on Bentley & Santa Cruz! Hopefully we can win, get into Europe & keep hold of our best players. If we do sell Bentley we should be looking for £15-£20m. If Benetiz can ask for £15m for Crouch, Bents is worth far more.
And good luck Fulham - your owner Al Fayed is a conspiracy theory believing nutter, but Roy Hodgson is a good manager, so I hope you stay up.
Yougov polls Tories 26% ahead!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 8 May 2008
bye bye lassy

So Wendy Alexander has blown another hole in Gay Gordo's government. She is now actively encouraging a quick referendum on Scottish independence. Given the unpopularity of Labour a referendum now would hasten the break up of the UK.
Well I think that is excellent news. Bring it on. I'll help build the border check points the day after we float the whinging Barnett formula fed Jocks off towards independence.
If the Scots & the Welsh can have a parliament and even Ulster has its own body, why not the English? When Tam Dayell proposed the West Lothian question in the 1970s it was a theoretical question. Not anymore. Now it is very real.
I'm cheered up no end by thinking of the day we wave bye to Scotland & all those Scottish Labour MPs, just like Mr Brown!
New York New York
Poor show I know.
But I am back again!