Thursday 22 May 2008

John Terry crying like a baby

Ha ha ha - please stop it, my sides are splitting. Big bad John Terry whimpering like a big baby after losing the Champions League final last night. I can't usually stand ManUre but was rooting for them last night.

We had Chelsea - big strong bullies who grind out results by boring everyone to death & then pinching a winner vs ManUre, who exemplify the best of the modern game - fluid football, great pace & creativity, uber-modern lack of a centre forward in their inter-changeable system.

ManU do lack a Keane, Ince or Robson figure - i.e. someone to scare the shit out of the oppo when the going gets tough - just like in last night's second half. But in Rooney, Tevez & Ronaldo they have the holy trinity of an attack.

Well done the Mancs - but you are still not a patch on The Mighty Blackburn Rovers!

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