Friday, 3 October 2008

The Mandy returns

Like Lazarus, Peter Mandelson has risen from the dead.... for the third time!! Has there ever been an example of someone returning to the Cabinet after resigning not once, but twice for corruption!

I can't quite work out whether it is a bad political move or a really bad political move. The Left hate him as the Goebbels to Blair & founder of New Labour. Everyone else hates him because he was at the forefront of the spin & deceit culture heralded & honed by New Labour.

At least he can bring his Brazilian boyfriend over to London safe in the knowledge that now Sir Ian Blair has resigned, a young (rent) boy from Brazil can ride the tube without having his brains blown out.

With Campbell, Mandelson, Whelan and Draper all back on board, Brown is going back to the old spin meisters.

He is wasting his time as he is proper fooked and no amount of spin is going to help him.

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