Thursday 27 March 2008

Capello and the false dawn?

Not the most pulsating international game last night between France & England, but I thought it was pretty important for the development of Capello's reign as England manager. England were pedestrian to say the least. Total lack of pace, Rooney isolated up front, little imagination and no cutting edge.

France were solid but not spectacular. Ribery showed England how to play international football. With pace on the counter-attack. Slowly build, keep possession, then hit the opponents quickly & hard.

This is exactly how Anelka got the penalty. Build the attack, draw the English defence which lost concentration (Terry is not having his best patch of form) and bang, Anelka showed great pace which James couldn't deal with - penalty, one-nil, au revoir.

I like Capello's formations but he lacks the players to get the best out of such a set up. Rooney needs a partner up front, or a Ronaldo type quick winger behind him as he has at ManUre. England have neither.

And when piss-poor mr. average Downing comes on and looks half decent, you know that the rest of the England team have had a 'mare.

Back to the drawing board for Fabio.

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