Is this guy for real?!? Bill Greenshields, President of the National Union of Teachers - what a muppet.
First he takes an oh so boring student politics stereotypical lefty view on the armed forces & their attempts to recruit 16-18 yr olds in schools. At least the delinquent little shits won't be robbing old grannies if they are marching up and down Dartmoor.
Then he calls for the nationalisation of private & independent schools.
So governments of all colours since the 1960s with their incompetent educational advisers have ruined state education, helped create a society in which social mobility is happening less than 50yrs ago, and have cheated several generations of children.... so I know what, lets give them the private sector to ruin as well!!
Teachers & their militant unions are a sham stuck in the 70s. There is a good article by Charles Moore in the Speccie this week which touches on the militants of the 70s and 80s. They spouted all sorts of extreme drivel, but in reality had very little support among their members. How many teachers vote in union elections - I bet not very many. My brother & 2 sister-in-laws are teachers and they never vote in union ballots. They say it encourages the loonies. I say, it is the only way to take back the union from the quasi-communists.
Just shows - the real challenge of the next decade is root & branch reform & slimming back of our bloated public sector.
I suppose we should be grateful, at least the teachers aren't moaning about all their marking, or how hard done to they are with gold plated final salary pension schemes and 51 weeks a year holiday.
Up the revolution!
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