Wednesday 20 October 2010

Squeal public sector parasites, Squuuuuuuuuuuuuueal

After 10Yrs of spunking billions of £ down the shitter to reward the Labour governments friends in the public sector, we now have the day of reckoning.

In my mind it doesn't go far enough.  The government will take spending back to 2006 levels.  We should be aiming for 1997 levels and reversing the huge increase in non-productive parasitical public sector which sucks the life out of private enterprise.

Now for tax cuts - the only way to increase economic growth in a global economy is to cut personal and corporation tax rates.  The top 1% of taxpayers pay over 20% of the total UK tax take.  These people are mobile.  In my FTSE company, all high paying global roles can be based wherever the individual wishes.  You fancy minimal tax in Singapore - go for it.  Want to live with 15% tax rate in Prague, go for it. 

The government shouldn't bite the hand that feeds it.  Cut tax = economic growth - a dense GCSE student could tell you that.

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