Lots of coverage for the 40Yr anniversary of Enoch Powell's infamous 'Rivers of Blood' speech which he gave on 20th April 1968.
There are several great travesties with this episode & Powell's career. Firstly a talented politician ruined himself with one ill-advised speech and will forever more be remembered for it rather than for any other contribution he made.
Secondly, his words were seized upon by racists & the far right giving them oxygen and support in some areas. Life was regrettably made very uncomfortable and threatening for thousands of immigrants who had arrived in the UK.
Thirdly, Powell's speech meant that the whole immigration, national identity and race-relations debate has been toxic for the last 40 years. Many people over-look this impact of Enoch's speech. The right of British politics has been petrified of discussing such issues after Powell. This allowed the left to propagate the idea of a multi-cultural society where Britishness (never mind the notion of patriotism) was seen as distasteful.
The result - a society with ghettos of racial groups in many northern & midland towns. Limited integration on the part of many immigrants in these areas and a society which has no idea what it stands for. Even Trevor Phillips the chair of the Commission for Racial Equality agrees that multi-culturalism has been a disaster.
This is the real horrid legacy of Powell.
Just as the West begins to face the threat from radical Islam to its very existence and the ideas & principles at its very roots, we remain hampered as a nation, unable to unite behind any notion of what Britain is or stands for.
Thankyou very much Enoch - your speech ensured that the very scenario you most feared came true.
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