The graphic above is all the proof you need that the public sector is bloated, out of control and its unionised staff out of touch.
Public sector pay awards have easily outstripped the private sector since 1997. Teachers are on strike today demanding higher pay awards to keep pace with other graduate professions (their words not mine).
Reality check pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! In the private sector you are pretty lucky to get even an inflationary rise every year, if you have polished your boss' turds enough over the previous year. Public sector workers get automatic increases on top of the significant % rises since 1997.
The teachers really need a reality check. They want parity with other 'graduate' professions. Firstly, how do you define 'graduate' in this age of degree proliferation from sub-standard polys. Secondly, no other graduate job I know of gets well over 10 weeks a year holiday!!!! More like 20 to 25 days if you are lucky!
So, teachers get paid accordingly. Lots of holidays, not long hours (go on moan about all your marking zzzzzzzzzzzz) & therefore they are paid the going rate, which is far more than the national average wage.
The market decides these things, even in a state funded area such as education. Teachers at independent schools don't get paid much more than their state colleagues.
Reality check needed - along with a concerted campaign against public sector statist unions and their unreformed commie activists.
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