I can't stand King Newt Mr Ken Livingstone. He is useless. A self-publicist, an unreformed 70s socialist who thinks Chavez and Castro are role models. He is the worst type of populist leftie.
But - all this newspaper focus on his private life is wrong. His personal life should be private as long as he isn't being a hypocrite. As far as I am aware he has never run the 'family man' type of election campaigns. If he had - then he deserves all the scorn. I can't stand hypocritical politicians.
As far as I am concerned he can be gay or straight, family man or player it is irrelevant. Churchill was a border-line drunk, MacMillian probably a repressed gay just to name 2 decent PMs of the 20th Century (well one great one and one half decent one!)
Many of our past & present leaders have had or still have less than perfect private lives. It is irrelevant.
What matters is that Livingstone is a useless piss poor Mayor.
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