Politics, news, gossip, football, Blackburn Rovers, and views from a northern politico plying his trade in the big smoke
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Public Sector Pay - the great lie

Wednesday, 23 April 2008
St George's Day - answer the West Lothian question

Happy St George's Day! If the Irish can drink the black stuff & celebrate St Patrick's Day across the world in honour of someone who certainly wasn't Irish, the English should be equally allowed to celebrate our Greek/Turkish saint (!).
There is a bigger issue which is starting to be discussed this year. A growing English consciousness. A growing realisation that England subsidises the dole loving Celts who are protected by the client state created by Scottish & Welsh Labour MPs.
The arbitrary Barnett formula & dole money pouring north ensures over £11bn of extra spending in Jock land than in England.
The Scots are ungrateful. They have banged on for years about hating the English & grumbled about independence.
Well here is a suggestion. The English vote for independence from the Scots! Rebuild something like Hadrian's Wall along the modern border. Or, even better, line the border with explosives and float Jockland off towards Greenland.
I'll be drinking a few pints of good warm English ale tonight. And, I'll be praying that the SNP get their way. The sooner we get rid of the Jocks the better. They can take their share of the national debt with them - calculated, of course, on the basis of their large share of public spending thanks to the aforementioned Barnett formula!!
Cry God for Harry, England and St George!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Lembit & his Cheeky Girl - strange world of the Lib Dems

Now they are stuffed full of celeb wannabe MPs. First came Charlie 'mines a double' Kennedy, then Sarah 'I haven't been shagged for years' Teather, then Cleggover, and now Lembit Opik marrying his Cheeky Girl bird.
Oh dear. Think of the children. She is a proper minger and he looks like he has been hit by the ugly stick. Repeatedly.
Olympic gravy train continues - £9bn budget!!

Surprise Surprise the Olympics are now forecast to cost more than double the original budget of £4bn. So that is a whopping £9.3bn at latest estimates and we are still 4yrs away from the event.
The whole idea is a nonsense. Sports which hardly anyone plays get millions of pounds worth of funding. Steroid induced athletes (can we really trust anyone who says they are clean after so many scandals!) will parade round a huge stadium that will be pretty much redundant after 2 weeks of use.
Politicians will prance around talking about regeneration. Nonsense. Name me one city that has reaped long term benefits from staging the Olympics (Barcelona at a push) and I'll give you numerous examples of cities burdened by debt & decaying stadiums
Montreal (1976) only paid off the final chunk of its debt in 2006. Sydney (2000) is still forking out some A$40m (£17m) a year to maintain its sporting venues. Londoners will have to find £20 per person per year for 12 years based on the original (!) budget!
Like the millennium dome the Olympics are a plaything for egotistical politicians and welcomed by people who partake in sports that no-one really cares about when compared to football, cricket & even that rubbish game called rugby.
The government will continue to throw money at the Olympics until it is deemed a 'success'. But at what cost? £3bn would buy 158 new primary schools, 6 new 'super'-hospitals. £9bn is a disgrace and a total waste of public funds by the state sector gravy train.
Monday, 21 April 2008
10p tax rate - Darling & Cameron get it wrong

The uproar over the abolition of the 10p starting tax rate continues to gather pace. Quite rightly Labour MPs are giving Brown & Darling a good kicking over this. The problem is that they just don't get it. They think it is OK to take with one hand because they will just give it back by sticking more people on benefits & tax credits.
If Brown has achieved anything since 1997 it is to ensure that lots of tax accountants are getting richer. The tax system is ten times more complicated now than it was in 1997 thanks to tinkering and tax credits.
But I worry that Cameron doesn't get it either. The Chancellor is not actually wrong to abolish the 10% rate. He is wrong not to do so as part of a wider tax cutting agenda aimed at low and middle earners.
Abolishing the 10% rate simplifies the system. If it was accompanied by a hike in personal allowances to £10k no-one would complain. The Labour government has increased tax by the back door. No need to put up headline rates, when you can just stop the higher rate band level rising in the face of wage inflation. So thousands more people are now paying 40% tax compared to 1997 just due to the top band not being raised at a fair rate.
Cameron should say clearly that getting rid of the 10% band is correct but that it must be accompanied by a wider re-think of the tax burden. Just hitting the hard-working families and individuals is wrong wrong wrong & has nothing to do with social justice.
Friday, 18 April 2008
40 Year legacy of Enoch Powell

Thursday, 17 April 2008
Mara Carfagna - well done Berlusconi
Robocop soldiers - casualty rates, the expense of war

Wednesday, 16 April 2008
In the Brown and in the USA

Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Shadow Cabinet reshuffles

Monday, 14 April 2008
Euro dreams over for Rovers

Bit of a disaster at Anfield on Sunday. The Rovers were out played & Liverpool deservedly romped home 3-1 winners. I hate to say it but we are a million miles away from them in terms of quality.
Next week we have ManUre so not much chance of any points there either. I'm pretty sure that after Saturday we will be ruled out of the race for a spot in the UEFA cup.
Some of our better players must be looking to move onwards & upwards. Bentley & Santa Cruz being the obvious 2.
The big worry is how long Hughes will stick around. We have over-performed for the last 3 seasons, but with little money in the kitty it is only a matter of time before Hughes decamps to a bigger club who can match his ambition.
Then we are in the brown stuff!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Stevie G & gangsters

Thursday, 10 April 2008
Immigration Amnesty & London

Lots of comment around today on the support shown by all 3 Mayoral candidates in London for an immigrant amnesty. Guido has a convincing piece here http://www.order-order.com/2008/04/boris-is-right-tories-are-wrong-london.html
I'm unconvinced but persuadable. I agree that it seems unfair to penalise hard working migrant families just because they don't have a scrap of paper. But an amnesty would just encourage more illegals to try and enter. It screams 'Don't worry old chappy from Romania, in a few years time you'll get an amnesty and bingo!'.
People are using Reagan as a model, given his amnesty. But his legislation has not stopped mass attempts by Latin Americans to get into the States. So much so that McCain & others support another amnesty.
I could be convinced to support this if we denied all newcomers access to the welfare state until they had worked for a set period of time; mandatory deportation for all migrants breaking the law irrespective of how many children they have here or how many years they have been settled; and a significant reduction in people allowed to legally arrive.
We are a small island. It doesn't take a genius to work out that we cannot keep accepting thousands more immigrants every month for ever. Yes, those who come to fill gaps in the workforce are welcome, as are genuine political refugees.
Everyone else really isn't.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Oh my Darling - in denial again

Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Diana Inquest and Nutters like Loughrey

Monday, 7 April 2008
Tibet, China and the tarnished Olympics

Saturday, 5 April 2008
Livingstone's family life

Thursday, 3 April 2008
Blair gets it wrong... again (this time on religion)

Tory Blur, or plain old Bliar, as I like to call him has gone and got it wrong again. Tonight he is going to make a speech at Westminster Cathedral on his Faith Foundation. The old Bush cock slurper is going to say that 'failure to engage with religious groups will drive believers to apathy or fundamentalism'.
Utter bollocks.
Mr Rover is no fan of organised religion despite his parents best efforts to have him indoctrinated (shurely shome mishtake... don't you mean educated) in the christian tradition. Mr Rover reserves particular wrath for the Catholic church (don't use a condom even if not doing so means you might get HIV all you Africans who are dying in your millions from AIDS , just abstain - FFS), but he also can't stand puritanical Prods and defo not nutter Islamists.
Look at all the suffering in terms of war, conflict, abuse of women, abuse of non-believers, persecution of alternative lifestyles all done in the name of religion.
Bliar has form on talking to the religo-nutters. Not only was he taking a length from 'born again' Bush, but his government funded (and they continue to fund) various dubious Muslim groups such as the 'moderate' (don't make me laugh) Muslim Council of Britain.
He also thought nothing of chatting away to the IRA/Sinn Fein/Loyalist leaderships in Northern Ireland like they were old buddies & then releasing all the odious little murdering shites from prison.
The man was a disaster in sooooo many ways, and he still remains a grade one prick.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Bentley on the move???

Tuesday, 1 April 2008
golden oldies